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#31 19.05.2006 23:09:36

Здесь с 30.10.2005
Сообщений: 352

Re: Винил-коррекция без корректора

Есть программа

Difitec WavePURiTY ProfeSSioNal

Professional Audio Restoration

for old Vinyl Records and Music Tapes

Restore your music from old vinyl records and music tapes.

Remove crackling and noise from old audio recordings.

Correct dull or shrill-sounding audio recordings.

Rescue your favorite songs and store them in digital CD quality.

Program features The digital filters in WavePurity remove interfering crackling and noise from your old recordings and
restore high-quality musical compositions to nearly CD quality.

WavePurity automatically processes entire records and detects the individual titles. From these data, it creates wave files
that you only need to store on CD.

WavePurity is easy to use and excellent value shareware.

WavePurity includes powerful tools, editors and filters for editing audio files. It supports the data formats WAV and MP3.

Further features • supported audio formats:

- Mcft RIFF ACM (WAV) (Audio Compression Manager)
- Mcft AVI Video (AVI) (audio track import)
- MPEG audio Layer III (MP3)
- WavePurity PCM or 4.Bit-ADPCM (WPU)
- additional audio formats available as Audio Plugins in the Professional Version

• Audio replay, audio recorder

• Comfortable audio editor
• Numerous digital filters for editing, noise elimination, and error correction
• Realtime frequency display (spectrum with FFT)
• Realtime oscilloscope that can be triggered
• Realtime software equalizer
• Song list management
• Track processor for automatic, overnight batch processing
• Signal generators and wobble generator for frequency response measurement
• Audio CD Burn Module in the Professional Version


Acon Digital Media ACOUSTiCA

Acoustica is an universal audio editing program that offers a large range of high
quality audio tools and effects. The improved audio editing engine allows
unlimited undo and redo levels, ultra fast non-destructive editing and 24 or 32
bit editing with up to 192 kHz sampling rate. You can import tracks from audio
CDs and create audio CDs with your edited material without leaving the program.

Acoustica has user friendly and versatile tools for quality enhancement of old
LP or tape recordings. Remove stationary noise like tape hiss or let Acoustica
add high frequency harmonics to dull recordings. You can alter the timbre of
your sound in almost any way possible with the six band full parametric
equalizer or choose from a large number of audio effects ranging from lush
reverbs to time stretching. If this is not enough, the support for DirectX
plug-ins makes it easy to extend the program with third party audio processing


Acon Digital Media Studio Clean

Studio Clean™ is a DirectX compatible plug-in suite for use in host applications such as audio editing or processing
software. It consists of four plug-ins for noise reduction and quality enhancements:

StudioDenoiser - is a plug-in for broadband noise reduction. Because the algorithm takes the perceptual properties of the
                 human hearing into account it achieves a high level of noise reduction with a minimum of artifacts.

StudioDeclicker - contains two different algorithms. The actual click filter eliminates larger clicks and pops in the
                  recording, while the crackle filter eliminates very frequent, but short clicks.

StudioDeclipper - restores recordings that suffer from analog or digital clipping.

StudioRebirth - adds synthesized high frequency harmonics to give life to old and dull sounding recordings

Acon StUDiO TiME

Studio Time Studio Time™ is a DirectX compatible plug-in pack for use in host applications
such as audio editing or processing software. It consists of two plug-ins based on Acon
Digital Media's unique time scale modification technology: StudioTime, a time scale
modification plug-in for unsurpassed audio quality. StudioPitch, a pitch shift plug-in that
allow pitch shifts with or without tempo change and with optional timbre preservation. Acon
Digital Media's time scale modification technology gives excellent results even for large
modification factors. It is not limited to one special type of audio material like many
other algorithms and works well for rhythmical and tonal audio material as well as for
complete mixes.

Acon Digital Media Studio Necessities VST.DX

Studio Necessities™ is a DirectX and VST compatible plug-in pack for use in host applications such as multi-track audio editing or processing software. It consists of five different plug-ins:

StudioVerb, a high quality reverberation simulator
StudioModulator, comprising a phaser effect and time-delay modulation effects such as flanger and chorus
StudioEQ, a six-band full parametric equalizer with peak and shelving filters
StudioLimiter, a brickwall limiter
StudioDynamics, a versatile dynamic processor
StudioDelay, a multi-tap delay effect

Отредактировано EDDiE (19.05.2006 23:20:06)

-= Tangram =-

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#32 20.05.2006 00:25:48

Здесь с 11.01.2006
Сообщений: 291

Re: Винил-коррекция без корректора

есть еще:
...iZotope Vinyl uses 64-bit processing and advanced filtering, modeling and resampling to create authentic "vinyl" simulation, as if the audio was a record being played on a record player.

которая как раз наоборот, добавляет
Mechanical Noise
Electrical Noise
Wear  Control

Чтоб значит новую CD запись в старый винил превратить smile

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